Prep for April 9, 2022

Introducing tl;dr

That's not a typo, and thankfully I'm not having a stroke.  In web forum speak, "tl;dr" is "too long, didn't read."  After a commenter makes a long post, they may conclude their post with this flag followed by a nutshell of their post, in a show of mercy to readers with too little time or patience.

In some of these blog posts updating you on what to prep for the upcoming Sabbath, I will include a "tl;dr" with a simple statement of what to prep.  Sure, I hope you have a moment to read my more...verbose :) part of the prep notes, but I understand we are all pressed for time sometimes!  Also, I should be able to provide shorter blog posts as we establish an understanding about the lesson book and the format of these blog posts.  I pinky-promise.

On a tablet or computer browser, the tl;dr appears to the right of the blog post.
On a mobile device, the tl;dr appears on the bottom of the blog post.

Before Prep Notes, Let's Take a Step Back

Since this is the first lesson, I want to get a little 'meta' for a sec.
As you prepare the lesson with your yute in the week, these reflective activities have great potential for you as a parent to give your testimony and model for your child.  In particular, the "More Than Words" section tends to involve the youth interviewing someone they now, a teacher, a grown-up, etc.  This gives you and your child a chance to have a deliberate discussion about what our beliefs mean to you.

Prep Notes

Finishing Lesson 1

We've wrapped up the classroom study of the foremost fundamental belief: Scripture!  All of our beliefs tie back to God's Word, so it's important that we understand its trustworthiness, authority as God's will for us as expressed through His ordained representatives, and how it can be a measuring stick for character and truth.

To really finish with Lesson 1. The Scriptures, there's a little reflection work left.  See the last few headings of the lesson, "Way to Pray," "More Than Words," and "In the Mirror."

  • Way to Pray - Students are asked to look through Psalm 119.  Remember, Psalm 119 is famously the l-o-n-g-e-s-t chapter in the Bible!  So if need be, feel free to review Psalm 119 ahead of time, and choose excerpts to read with your kiddo.  Spoiler alert: It's pretty much ALL about David's regard for God's Word.  What is your youth's takeaway?  Encourage them to tell God what His Word means to them.
  • More Than Words - As I mentioned above, this feature of each lesson should be a fantastic way to generate conversation about our beliefs between parent and child.
  • In the Mirror - This week's In the Mirror seemingly springboards off of James 1:22-25, one of the key verses we looked up as part of the lesson.  James challenges us to use the God's Word as a mirror.  It may help you to know that when we discussed this verse in Sabbath school, we talked about looking in the mirror in the morning, and seeing our bed-head, drool, marks from the pillow or blanket being pressed on our face.  When we see the mirror, do we ignore it, walk away, and leave our bed-head and drool on our face?  Or do we use the mirror to make ourselves presentable?

Starting Lesson 2

Read the "Opening Story" together.
Read the "Life of Christ" passage together; bonus points if you read it straight from a hardcopy Bible (remember, we're trying to instill a certain comfort level with the real deal, here :).
Venture into the "We Believe" together.

Lesson 2. The Trinity is unpacking 3 fundamental beliefs in 1 lesson.  Don't feel like you need to make it through ALL of this lesson for April 9.  I doubt we'll be able to unpack it in one Sabbath school session!

tl;dr for April 9 Prep